Live your Dream at Tuddal

At our country district you will find creative, social and hospitable people, they will welcome you. You will find many possibilities to create an active and safe everyday life for your family and children.
Tuddal is known for its living traditions and beautiful nature. The local school, where the Teachers are dedicated to their work, will guide your children in the best way, if you decide to move here.
You can live out your dream at Tuddal. Either you are visting us for å shorter while, or you want to move to a small country district. Tuddal is in the middle of South-Norway, a short distance from Oslo ( 2 hours).
Notodden is the nearest town, 40 minutes away. You can travel by ekspressbus to Oslo or go by train to Grenland or Kristiansand. From Kristiansand, it is a distance of about 4 hours to Tuddal. On the sunny side of Telemarks highest mountain, the Gaustatoppen, you can enjoy your holiday or you can give your children a safe near nature living by staying with us.